We will continue to innovate, provide more and better services, build intelligent Chinese enterprises and become smart entrepreneurs!

Tiempo de lanzamiento:

2023-02-18 13:35

Technological innovation is the key to core competitiveness. Digital China has built a strong IT R&D and operation team, with nearly 2000 software R&D personnel, and is the chairman of the "Changfeng Alliance Internet Information Service Industry Promotion Working Group" of the Ministry of Science and Technology. In a real sense, it has put forward a SaaS service system with Chinese characteristics, and built standards and specifications suitable for China's IT service operation with SPS as the core. In terms of ICT infrastructure, Digital China has established professional data centers in Beijing, Guangzhou, Suzhou and other places, realized the interconnection of North-South Telecom, built a highly secure and reliable network environment, and has more than 3000 operating equipment; Through the establishment of joint laboratories with NetApp, HP and other companies, computing pooling and storage pooling have been realized; In the field of e-commerce, we have pioneered the development of an e-commerce platform with on-demand services and personalized services. It has applied for more than ten technical patents and has become a pilot enterprise of patent engine in Beijing.

The Group believes that in the information era of economic globalization, informatization will become the only way for small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their competitiveness, and e-commerce will become the key path for enterprises to realize informatization. Therefore, the Group will continue to focus on promoting the e-commerce and informatization process of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, continue to innovate, continue to provide more and better services, build intelligent Chinese enterprises, and achieve smart entrepreneurs!

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Soluciones para su industria y preparación para sus opciones

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Rivsen (Shanghai) Welding Group Co.,Ltd

Estamos comprometidos con la investigación y el desarrollo independientes, la producción y la venta de equipos de soldadura de inversores, y hemos construido un sistema de valor interno perfecto de "credit suisse" con el concepto de desarrollo más avanzado, una fuerte capacidad de producción, un sistema de gestión estricto y abundantes recursos humanos.

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